
  • Om Bogat Om Sarac Serial Romanesc Umbre
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 16. 03:43

    Dupa 35 de ani! Zilele trecute am cautat prin fundul sertarelor si am gasit intamplator niste fotografii vechi.Am ramas cu o poza de cand aveam 18 ani in mana uimita, melancolica.un pic trista. Tineam in mana fotografia unei alte persoane?Cum au trecut peste mine atatia ani?Cata diferenta dintre mine, de acum 35 de ani.si eu,acum.Am stat mult sa ma gandesc daca as putea sa va arat aici diferenta fizica.cat despre diferenta de trairi, gandire, visuri. Eu, la 18 ani Eu, la aproape 53 ani. Dowsing It's an ancient art used for finding water, buried treasure and even missing people. Here's what it is, how it works, the methods and tools - and how you can learn to dowse A man walking through an empty field holding a Y-shaped stick before him in both hands can be a peculiar sight.

    1. Om Bogat Om Sarac Serial Romanesc Umbre 1

    What is he doing? Either he's leading some bizarre, solitary parade.

    Or he's dowsing. WHAT IS DOWSING? Dowsing, in general terms, is the art of finding hidden things.

    Usually, this is accomplished with the aid of a dowsing stick, rods or a pendulum. Also known as divining, water witching, doodlebugging and other names, dowsing is an ancient practice whose origins are lost in long-forgotten history.

    However, it is thought to date back at least 8,000 years. Wall murals, estimated to be about 8,000 years old, discovered in the Tassili Caves of North Africa depict tribesmen surrounding a man with a forked stick, possibly dowsing for water. Artwork from ancient China and Egypt seem to show people using forked tools in what might have been dowsing activities.

    Dowsing may have been mentioned in the Bible, although not by name, when Moses and Aaron used a 'rod' to locate water. The first unambiguous written accounts of dowsing come from the Middle Ages when dowsers in Europe used it to help find coal deposits. During the 15th and 16th centuries, dowsers were often denounced as practitioners of evil. Martin Luther said dowsing was 'the work of devil' (and hence the term 'water witching'). In more modern times, dowsing has been used to find water for wells, mineral deposits, oil, buried treasure, archaeological artifacts - even missing people.

    How the dowsing technique was first discovered is unknown, yet those who practice it are unwavering in their affirmations that it does work. Beautiful Celebrity Legs What are we looking for when we are trying to classify which Hollywood celebrity has the most beautiful attractive legs? Few things come to mind.The Shape, tone, skin tone, blemishes, bruises, rough patches, radiance, smoothness, length Is that all? Absolutely not! A pair of beautiful legs must be well proportioned in relation to the rest of the body. The legs should talk to us in a flirty seductive manner.

    The legs should help bring out all the positive features of the person. Celebrity fashion also plays a vital role. There is a fine line between being slutty or glamorous. Forgive us if we’ve left some hot leg celebrity out of the list. It’s one of the hardest top 10 list we’ve had to do and we were all hitting our head against the wall with this one.

    So here we go. ‘Kicking’ us off at number 10. 10.Natalie Portman Natalie is no longer the little girl from ‘Star Wars’. She belongs with the big girls of Hollywood now. What do big Hollywood girls with beautiful legs do? They show it off to the world.You’ve done well Natalie.

    Strut your stuff girlfriend! Power User Eficient Dragii mei, m-am hotarat sa postez despre acest lucru, pentru ca dupa trei luni de Power User si dupa multe calcule si experimente pe care le-am facut, pot insfarsit sa-mi exprim parerea. M-au intrebat multi prieteni, fani, despre eficienta Power User.In prima luna, le-am spus ca au inceput sa creasca castigurile, dar foarte putin.Timpul a trecut si am vazut cum castigurile mele au crescut putin cate putin, dar constant. La inceputul celei de a doua luni de Power User, in doua zile la rand, mi-am contorizat cu aproximatie activitatea: postari, vizite pe blogurile prietenilor, cu aproximatie vizitele prietenilor pe blogurile mele, s.a.m.d.Am facut media activitatii pe cele doua zile si mi-am notat totul.inclusiv.castigul mediu din blogging in cele doua zile, care era de 1.78 $. Cer Hipnotic In Romania Bineinteles ca si alte locuri in lume sunt minunate, dar Romania are pare-se, ceva in plus. Ceva impreceptibil in aer. In ciuda a ceea ce se spune, turistii straini care descopera Romania, revin mereu atrasi de acest ceva, indicibil.

    In Romania, padurea, pamantul, ploaia, campurile, aerul au miros, ca nicaieri in alta parte. Stancile par vii, iar cerurile par deschise. Si, iata ca Bozioru, o comuna aparent oarecare, din judetul Buzau, face ca afirmatia sa nu fie doar poezie.

    Pe langa Complexul schiturilor rupestre, comuna Bozioru este recunoscuta pentru 'cerul straniu'. Haunted Places in the U K Highgate Cemetery, London By night, Highgate Cemetery in London is like something out of a horror movie. Eerie crooked gravestones, headless angles covered in ivy, dark overgrown passages between the tombs, it’s no wonder this is Britain’s number-one ghost spot. Despite it’s chilling atmosphere, by day Highgate Cemetery showcases some of the Britain’s most spectacular Gothic architecture, offers fascinating guided tours. It’s also the burial place of Karl Marx.

    Borley Rectory, Essex The stories of Borley Rectory mainly come from the work of famous 18th-century ghost hunter, Harry Price. Price got involved in a case at the Rectory after a newspaper ran a story about a phantom nun in 1929.

    Om Bogat Om Sarac Serial Romanesc Umbre 1

    His investigations led to the rectory being named ‘The Most Haunted House in England’. The building was destroyed by a fire in 1939, but this has done nothing to dispel stories of spooky happenings, or stop ghost hunters visiting the site. Smokie Originally called The Yen, then The Sphynx and later Essence, the band was formed in 1965 at St. Bede's Grammar School in Heaton, Bradford. It was composed of Chris Norman (lead vocals/rhythm guitar/piano) (born Christopher Ward Norman,?n Redcar, North Yorkshire), Terry Uttley (born Terence David Uttley,?n Bradford, West Yorkshire) (bass/vocals), Alan Silson (lead guitar/vocals) (born,?n Bradford, West Yorkshire) and Ron Kelly (drums) (born Ronald Bruce Kelly,?n Winchester, Hampshire).

    As Essence, they toured small clubs in Bradford and the surrounding communities. The band became The Black Cats in 1966 and in Nov 1967 the band changed their name to The Four Corners. Remedies To Quit Smoking On endless occasions we accept apprehend or heard the risks of smoker to health, and so this time we appetite to accord some admonition to abstain smoker calmly artlessly by application some accustomed remedies that will not affect our bloom and to advice us allay the alarming anxiety. Almost from the moment you stop smoking, abate the adventitious of a affection advance or achievement at the aforementioned akin of nonsmokers. However, the actuality you ambition to abandon this addiction as a aboriginal step, accept absolutely capital to abdicate and a acceptable dosage of willpower. Therefore, it is account quitting, because the bloom allowances activate to be apparent about immediately, again you can use any of the afterward home remedies that are declared below. Gypsy History And Culture Gypsies are known more politically correctly as the Romani or Romany people, or the Roma.

    They are an ethnic group originating in the Indian subcontinent who now live throughout Europe, the Middle East, and the Americas. The largest population of Roma is in the Balkans, where they have lived since around the 14th century. The term gypsies arose because the Roma were once mistakenly believed to have originated in Egypt. Their Indian origin was only recently confirmed through linguistic and genetic evidence. Saptamana Patimilor Rugaciune pentru postul Pastelui - Rugaciune Tata Din Ceruri Tata din Ceruri, te rog sa-mi binecuvintezi familia, prietenii, rudele si pe cei pe care ii iubesc, si pe cei care citesc aceasta rugaciune chiar in acest moment. Arata-le Tu o noua imagine a dragostei si puterii Tale nemarginite.

    Duhule Sfant, te rog sa-i ajuti, chiar in acest moment. Acolo unde exista durere, te rog sa le daruiesti pacea si mila Ta. Acolo unde exista indoiala, te rog sa le inspiri o incredere innoita prin Harul Tau.

    Unde exista o nevoie, te rog sa le-o implinesti. Binecuvinteaza-le Tu caminul, familia, munca, da-le Intelepciune si Lumina in viata lor. Binecuvanteaza-i cand pleaca si cand se intorc acasa, mergi inaintea lor si deschide-le calea. Calauzeste-i si ocroteste-i clipa de clipa in toata viata lor. Iarta-le lor pacatele facute cu voie sau fara de voie, cu stiinta.

    Secretele Cafelei Eu recunosc! Iubesc cafeaua! Am lasat tutunul dupa 30 de ani., dar o cafeluta dimineata este o placere! Un vechi proverb turcesc spune ca “Cafeaua trebuie sa fie neagra ca noaptea, tare ca moartea dar dulce ca iubirea” dar multi ignora faptul ca, pe langa proprietatile de inviorare a organismului,stimuleaza serotonina (hormonul fericirii). Cafeaua contine proteine, lipide si carbohidrati.

    Studiile atesta ca o cafea de dimineata este echivalentul in proteine si acid a trei mandarine. Povestea Mea Din Zarnesti Aveam 42 de ani cand am plecat din Braila, la Brasov, pe motiv de munca!In acea perioada, sotul meu,muncea in Atlantic, cu un vapor spaniol de pescuit si cam la 6 luni, venea acasa pentru o luna sau doua.Incurajata de toata lumea,am plecat la Brasov cu baiatul, de 20 de ani atunci, si cu fetita cea mica de 6 ani.Fata cea mare, ramasese practic la camin in Galati,unde facea facultatea, venind insa la Brasov in vacante si unele sfarsituri de saptamana.Sunt foarte adaptabila si in scurt timp, ne-am indragostit cu totii de Brasov si imprejurimile lui. Satui poate de praful Baraganului, de Crivatul taios iarna si caldurile cumplite vara, ne-am obisnuit repede cu clima, cu oamenii.si eu cu munca.Am inchiriat un apartament in zona Racadaului ( chiar acolo unde vin ursii gunoieri),fetita cea mica si-a inceput'studiile', clasa intai.iar baiatul cel mare,o scoala postliceala ( a doua de altfel, dar in domeniul informaticii) Sotul meu, venit intr-o perioada de odihna, ne-a dat sarcina sa vindem in Braila si sa cumparam ceva in zona, unde sa ne stabilim. Doua Ceaiuri Ceaiul de anghinare De origine mediteraneana, asadar mare iubitoare de soare si caldura, anghinarea (in engleza: artichoke) creste in special in zona de sud a tarii. Este cunoscuta popular si sub numele de anghina sau angina si este chiar si cultivata in unele judete precum Ialomita, Teleorman, Olt, Dolj, Constanta. Pentru a recunoaste plan,ta trebuie sa cautam cu privirea floarea sa de o culoare rosie-violet, ce seamana cu cea a unui ciulin, inchisa in niste solzi carnosi de culoare verde.

    Om Bogat Om Sarac Serial Romanesc Umbre

    Aceasta infloreste de la sfarsitul lunii mai pana la sfarsitul lunii septembrie. De la anghinare se folosesc in schimb frunzele. Acestea se recolteaza pentru a fi utilizate in scop terapeutic in special in luna iunie, la mijlocul acesteia. Frunzele se folosesc pentru prepararea de ceai cu un puternic efect detoxifiant pentru organism. It Was Raining In My Soul Healing Rain: A Sad Love Poem About Heartbreak By Injete Chesoni I thought my tears would make you love me again, I thought my tears would fall on the roots of our love and nourish it like rain. I thought my tears would pierce your heart, and help us to make a brand new start.

    I thought my tears would make you feel my anguish and pain, and draw you back into my arms again. I thought my tears would flow with yours and create for us a pool of love. I thought my tears were heavenly showers with magical healing powers. A trickling sent from the heavens above, That would fill our hearts with joy and love. The 10 Most Larges Yachts Business is full of luxury yachts is still a lucrative world tour trend, evidenced by the construction of some of the largest and most luxurious cruise ships in the world. The more luxurious cruise ships and large size, prestige offered even more wow! Here are 10 of the largest and most luxurious yachts in the world.

    MS Allure of the Seas With a passenger capacity of 1385 people, has 25 restaurants, has a 2000 person professional crew. Royal Caribbean International Company created this ship in 2006. 72 meters high and 360 meters long, is the largest and most luxurious cruise ship first. MS Oasis of the Seas This ship is only a difference of 50mm along with MS Allure of the Seas, both owned by The Royal Caribbean International Company.

    Capable of driving up to 22.6 knots which is driven by six diesel engines.Offering the luxury of its exterior with 16 decks, super large theater, restaurants with menus from around the world, entertainment, cafes and all the dreams of the tourists. Mie, si familiei mele, ne plac excursiile de weekend, in natura, la pescuit.Ramanem pe malul lacului, sau al raului, in zone amenajate, doua-trei zile, evident cu cortul. Stiti deja, ca locuim in Spania, in zona Valencia, in Sagunto, port la Mediterana, mai la nord cu 15 km. De Valencia.Nu prea mergem sa pescuim in mare, ramanem fideli pescuitului de apa dulce, cum ne placea si in Romania! Pe toata coasta asta a Mediteranei, muntele este relativ aproape de mare, deci daca intri in interior, 30-40 de kilometri, exista lacuri de acumulare, pline de peste, mai ales de crap.Spaniolii nu prea mananca peste de apa dulce, cu exceptia pastravului, asa ca lacurile,raurile au suficient crap.spre bucuria pescarilor romani, bulgari, sau a turistilor din centrul si estul Europei.

    The Legend of the Danube Once upon a time, the sky was a happy place. The Sun and the Moon were always there, dressed in theit best clothes, made of silver and gold cloth, and all the stars were keeping them company in a neverending party. There was so much light, all the time, that no evil deed could take place on Earth and the dishonest people had no place to hide.

    The Sun was very careful with everything that was going on and as soon as he saw something wrong going on, he would put a golden arrow in his bow and punish the guilty one. The Sun was still a cheerful young boy and the Moon had fallen in love with him.

    She had decided to marry him, as she thought they were a perfect match. But he knew nothing about all this. As she talked to him about love and happiness, dressed in her glowing silver dress, he would just smile and look away, to a distant constellation. Copiii Destepti Ai Lumii Citeau de la 2 sau 3 ani, erau extrem de talentati la arte sau mergeau la facultate la o varsta foarte frageda. Maria Gaetana Agnesi In secolul XVII a fost un filozof italian, matematician si lingvist. La 5 ani, ea putea vorbi fluent franceza si italiana, iar la 13 ani a mai adaugat greaca, ebraica, spaniola, germana, latina si inca cateva la limbile vorbite foarte bine.

    La varsta de 9 ani a tinut un discurs scris chiar de ea in latina despre drepturile femeii la educatie. Academicienii, martori la discursul ei, au numit un crater de pe Venus dupa numele ei. H.P Lovecraft Howard Phillips, un mare scriitor, a fost si el un geniu de mic copil.

    A invatat sa citeasca la varsta de 2 ani, iar la 6 ani scria deja poezii complexe. A devenit unul dintre cei mai influenti autori ai filmelor horror in secolul XX. Este posibil ca Howard sa fi fost asa destept de mic, deoarece parintii lui au fost foarte bolnavi si motivatia de a deveni cineva l-a impins spre literatura. Mineral Water In Romania Because they have curative properties, thermal waters spas in Romania are extremely popular, especially among the elderly, who turn to spas to heal certain diseases. These waters are in salt content, gas, minerals and radioactive elements, which determine their therapeutic qualities. Generally they are recommended for curing rheumatic diseases, vascular diseases and locomotion problems, skin problems, traumatic or gynecological and peripheral ischemia. Although the number of elderly people who resort to these miraculous waters is higher than the young, it is advisable to many people, regardless of age, because it helps eliminate toxins from the body or stress and sedentary lifestyle which is specific in cities.

    Mancaruri Ciudate In acest articol doresc sa prezint unele dintre cele mai ciudate mancaruri din diverse colturi ale lumii. Desi in lume sunt foarte multe preparate culinare ciudate, care mai de care mai scarboase si mai neobisnuite, eu am ales 10 care ni s-au parut iesite din comun si in acelasi timp interesante. Kopi Luwak, este cea mai scumpa cafea din lume, jumatate de kilogram costa intre 120 si 600 de dolari.

    Ce face ca aceasta cafea sa fie atat de speciala este ca boabele sunt obtinute din excrementele unui animal de marimea unei pisici, Common Palm Civet. “Boabele” de cafea colectate sunt usor spalate si prajite pentru a nu le distruge aroma. Minunile Cojilor 1. Piersici Piersicile reprezinta un fruct adesea neglijat, dar coaja lor este buna si consumata - pentru nutrienti- si aplicata pe fata prin frecare usoara, pentru stralucirea tenului. Bogata in potasiu si vitamina A, coaja ajuta la revitalizarea pielii, iar consumarea ei poate stimula sistemul imunitar, poate indeparta toxinele din organism, poate proteja ochii de cataracta si reduce riscul de cancer, boli de inima si artrita.

    Daca vrei sa o folosesti ca si exfoliant, pune putin zahar pe partea sa carnoasa si freaca usor tenul. Ingerii Zodiilor De cand ne nastem, santem sub protectia ingerilor. In planul astral exista entitati pe care unora le este usor sa le vada, altora sa le auda, celor mai multi din noi le este insa usor sa le simta. Ingerii ne sunt dati pentru a reusi sa trecem cu bine prin viata indiferent care sunt intamplarile pe care le avem de trait.

    Unele traditii esoterice sustin ca fiecare zodie este guvernata nu doar de cate o planeta, ci si de cate un inger. Este bine sa aflam cine sint acestia, ce capacitati ne pot oferi si cum putem lucra impreuna cu ei pentru a ne implini menirea acestei vieti.

    Este foarte important sa devenim constienti de prezenta lor si sa invatam sa le descifram mesajele, caci rolul lor este sa ne previna, sa ne sfatuiasca si sa ne indrume astfel incat orice “cazatura” sa fie atenuata si cu maxim de invatatura primita. Puterea Energetica A Plantelor Plante vampiri energetici Orhideea este deosebit de periculoasa pentru casa in care locuiesc oameni nehotarati, cu vointa slaba. Pentru acestia, orhideea functioneaza ca o pompa, absorbintu-le energia. Cel mai acut, vampirismul orhideei se manifesta dis-de-dimineata si in timpul noptii. Feriga este un puternic vampir energetic. Pentru a se putea dezvolta normal are nevoie de foarte multa energie.

    Astfel, o puteti aseza pe televizor absorbindu-i toata energia negativa. Famous Witches in History Witchcraft is the use of supernatural or magical powers and spells to harm human life or property with some vested interest. Almost all the religions recognize the existence of the phenomenon and also forbid its use explicitly.


    A witch is considered to have acquired certain unusual powers in exchange for selling the soul to a demon like Dr. Faustus, who gave his soul to Lucifer. Torture through cruel devices, like the dunking stool, was common to investigate or extract confessions or to punish by repeatedly drowning in water. Burning at the stake was the common mode of punishment if someone was found guilty of being a witch. History is full of infamous witch trials, cruel witch hunting, and witch burning events like: Salem Witch Trials, Fulda Witch Trials, The Val Camonica Witch Burnings, Scotland Witch Burnings, The Wurzberg Witch Trial, and the Witch Hunts of Africa. I Love Greek Music Greece sits at the crossroad between the Eastern and Western cultures of Asia and Europe.

    Being at this critical junction, Greece has experienced the ebb and flow of two cultural currents which subjected and allowed her to assimilate creatively diverse influences. Once Constantinople fell in 1453, completing the collapse of the Byzantine empire, there followed four hundred years of slavery which greatly hindered the natural development of Hellenism and restricted its spiritual evolution. Gypsy Folklores The earliest currently known reference to Gypsies is in “The Life of St. George” composed in the monastery of Iberon on Mt. Athos in Greece in 1068. It relates events in Constantinople in 1050, when wild animals plagued an imperial park.

    The Emperor Constantine Monomachus commissioned the help of 'a Samaritan people, descendants of Simon the Magician, who were called Adsincani, and notorious for soothsaying and sorcery, who killed the beasts. 'Atzinganoi,' the Byzantine term for Gypsies, is reflected in several other languages: the German 'Zigeuner,' the French 'Tsiganes,' the Italian 'Zingari,' and the Hungarian 'Cziganyok.' Ipohondria Ipohondria este, in primul rand, o problema legata de nevoia de perfectiune sau perfectionism. Acesti pacienti doresc sa aiba o viata cat mai lunga, mai fericita (aspiratii normale, dealtfel), dar considera ca pentru aceasta este necesar sa aiba o focalizare excesiva a atentiei asupra starii de sanatate. Este o tulburare psihica aparent benigna, desi destul de raspandita. Aceasta problema psihica s-a manifestat frecvent in decursul istoriei, daca ne amintim de piesa de teatru a dramaturgului francez Moliere, intitulata 'Bolnavul inchipuit'. Casanova Casanova, considerat de unii amantul perfect iar de altii un pierdevara, este unul dintre personajele istoriei care a fost atent studiat de psihanalisti.

    Lydia Flem, de exemplu, considera ca eroul nostru a fost un neinteles de societatea in care traia. Ea crede ca, de fapt, Casanova a fost un prieten credincios al femeilor. El le-a adus placerea fizica si le-a protejat mereu pentru a nu le lasa insarcinate, folosind tot timpul prezervativul din mate de animale. Asa se explica faptul ca, desi a avut zeci de amante, Casanova a avut un singur copil. Mai exact o fata. Benefits Of Chili Peppers Studies have established that chili peppers have pain-relieving properties. Their consumption provides relief from migraine and sinus headaches.

    Chili pepper contains a chemical substance called Capsaicin, which controls pain transmission to the brain. Capsaicin, present in chili pepper, assists in combating nasal congestion, by stimulating secretions that help clear mucus from your throat. The antibacterial properties of chili pepper help fight chronic sinus infections. Moarte Stupida Unii sunt celebri in viata, iar dupa moarte sunt uitati.

    Altii ajung vedete de abia cand mor tocmai gratie modului stupid in care reusesc performanta asta. Mai exista si rarele cazuri de personalitati care nici in moarte nu pot sa nu iasa in evidenta. In general, moartea e inevitabila si trista, insa, in unele cazuri, un deces absurd iti poate descreti involuntar fruntea. Asta ne propunem in randurile urmatoare: 1.

    Fostul presedinte francez, Felix Faure, a murit (fericit), in 1899, in propriul birou in timp ce amanta sa ii facea sex oral. Surprising Allergy Triggers The cause of your sneezing, itchy nose, watery eyes, headache and a host of other symptoms may be more surprising than you think. You already know the usual suspects: pet dander, mold, pollen and dust. But could something else be causing your allergy symptoms? Our experts say yes indeed.

    Check out our list of allergens and allergy triggers you may have never before considered. Chocolate For some people, eating chocolate can be as uncomfortable as standing in a field of pollen during the peak of spring. Your favorite chocolate bar can bring on classic allergy symptoms, says Steven Y. Park, MD, an otolaryngologist in private practice in New York and the author of Sleep, Interrupted: A Physician Reveals the #1 Reason Why So Many of Us Are Sick and Tired. “Chocolate can irritate your nose's nervous system,” he says. “Think of it as being like a migraine, where nerve endings in your nose become overly reactive.” Incidentally, he adds, chocolate, along with red wine, MSG and aged cheeses, is a known migraine trigger.

    Mysterious Causes for Lenin’s Death Vladimir Lenin was a Russian Marxist revolutionary and a communist politician who was at the forefront of 1917 October Revolution. He headed the Soviet State during its initial years (1917-1924). He was a persuasive orator and led to the formation of a completely new Soviet Union. There are many mysteries regarding his sudden death at 6:50 P.M. On January 21, 1924.

    He died just a few months before his 54th birthday. Generally known cause of his death was a massive stroke. Modern day medical experts opine that the cerebral arteries of the great leader had become so calcified that they sounded like stones when tapped. Let us check out the medical history of Lenin to find some clues for his sudden death. Istoria Pisicii Nimeni nu cunoaste cu exactitate cand sau cum au aparut pisicile pe Terra. Cei mai multi cercetatori sunt de acord, totusi, ca cel mai vechi predecesor al pisicilor a fost, probabil, un animal asemenator cu nevastuica, numit Miacis, care a trait acum aproape 40-50 milioane de ani. Miacis este considera a fi stramosul comun al mai multor carnivore terestre, printre care si cainele si pisica.

    Dar, aparent, pisica a aparut cu mai multe milioane de ani inaintea primului caine. Poate ca cea mai cunoscuta dintre pisicile preistorice este Smilodon, o pisica cu dinti in forma de palos, numita uneori si tigru. Acest formidabil animal vana prin mai toata lumea, dar a disparut cu mult timp in urma.

    Leacuri Pentru Varice Dilatarea permanenta si patologica a venelor se datoreaza pierderii tonicitatii peretilor. Varicele apar intre 20-40 ani, fiind mai frecvente la femei.

    Se recomanda ceaiuri, comprese, apiterapie, gimnastica medicala si tratament fizio-balnear. Un prim remediu sint frunzele de varza, care, aplicate pe varice, au actiune decongestionanta. Mai sint indicate si in senzatiile de?gambe grele'. Se aplica 2-3 straturi de frunze proaspete, usor zdrobite, care se tin sub comprese toata noaptea. Se leaga fara a se stringe prea tare. Total Head Transplant It has until now been the work of science fiction and horror films, but scientists could soon be carrying out complete human head transplants, a leading surgeon has said. The procedure has previously been performed on monkeys but recent technological breakthroughs that make it possible to reconnect spinal cords could see the operation carried out on humans.

    Neurosurgeon Dr Sergio Canavero, from the Turin Advanced Neuromodulation Group, believes the operation would take 100 surgeons up to 36 hours and would cost £8.5million. Senzatiile De Deja Vu Peste 70% din populatia Terrei sustine ca a experimentat, macar o data, un straniu sentiment de familiaritate fata de lucruri care, in mod normal, ar fi trebuit sa fie total necunoscute. O vizita in premiera la un magazin in care totul pare deja cunoscut, o discutie ce lasa impresia ca a mai avut loc, desi ea nu s-a mai intamplat niciodata, sau chipul familiar al unei persoane care, in realitate, este vazut pentru prima oara, sunt doar cateva dintre simptomele neexplicate, insa considerate normale, ale senzatiei de deja vu. Legenda Bucurestiului A fost odata un padurar sarac care traia impreuna cu fiica sa, pe nume Dambovita, intr-o padure mare si adanca. Fata stia toate secretele padurii si cararile ascunse sub iarba si tufisuri. Intr-o zi un print dintr-un taram indepartat s-a ratacit in padure. Intalnind-o pe Dambovita i-a cerut acesteia sa ii gaseasca drumul.

    Fiind o fata de treaba ea i-a aratat cararea. Printul a vazut-o atat de blanda si frumoasa si a cerut-o de sotie. Atunci Dambovita i-a spus ca ea deja i-a promis mana lui Bucur. Bucur era un pastor care locuia langa padure.

    Ca multumire, printul, care nu era nimeni altul decat Printul Muntilor, i-a daruit fetei un mic cutitas si un titirez. Daca ar fi invartit titirezul orice dorinta ar fi devenit realitate. Bioenergie-Biomagnetism Metoda de tratare a bolnavilor cu biocamp, magnetism intern sau, stiintific spus, prin metoda bioenergetica, este cunoscuta din timpuri stravechi.

    Magnetismul curativ era cunoscut in Europa Evului Mediu. In acea vreme, astfel de calitati detineau, de regula, unele fete sfinte. Calugarii credeau cu tarie in puterea vindecatoare a mainilor, unii dintre ei avand ei insisi puterea de a o vindeca. Acest remediu miraculos avea o forma oarecum diferita in Asia si mai ales in India si Orientul Mijlociu. Curatenia Energetica Locurile in care ne petrecem o mare parte din viata cotidiana sunt responsabile nu numai de confortul nostru dar si de linistea, starea de sanatate si nivelul energetic. Pentru ca energia negativa te poate imbolnavi la propriu.

    Tu ce faci pentru asta? De-a lungul timpului, am invatat de la persoane intalnite in viata mea ca in afara de frecatul de zor prin casa, trebuie sa te raportezi la caminul tau ca la o fiinta draga tie. Sa-l bucuri din cand in cand cu cate un cadou, sa ii mai cumperi cate o haina noua ( lucrurile vechi si uzate atrag si pastreaza energia negativa), sa-l parfumezi ( aromaterapie) si nu in ultimul rand sa-ti iubesti caminul. Louis Armstrong Jazz musician and entertainer. Born in New Orleans, Louisiana, the son of Mary Ann and Willie Armstrong.

    The date of his birth is questionable. Armstrong always claimed to have been born on July 4, 1900, a date he gave to a draft registrar in 1918.

    Several of his early associates insist he was born about 1898, a date that squares better with events of his youth. However, recent research strongly suggests that he was actually born on August 4, 1901, and it is this date on which many jazz scholars agree. Early chroniclers have given Daniel as his middle name, but Armstrong himself denied it. Curtezanele Venetiene Venetia secolelor XVI si XVII este marcata de prezenta curtezanelor, aceasta fiind una dintre perioadele din istorie in care prostitutia a ajuns foarte raspandita.

    In Venetia renascentista se gaseau doua tipuri de curtezane, curtezanele de lux, care puteau fi usor confundate cu nobilimea din cauza hainelor luxoase si a bijuteriilor, si curtezanele din clasele de jos, care erau adesea identificate cu prostituatele. Curtezanele sarace isi faceau veacul la celebrul pod Rialto, unde isi agatau clientii. La jumatatea secolului al XVI-lea, in Venetia existau mai mult de 100.000 de curtezane. Retelele Hartmann Infoenergie-radiestezie Globul pamintesc este strabatut de o vasta retea cosmo-telurica, de niste radiatii care vin din adincul Pamintului si care ne pot influenta viata.Desi nu aveau instrumente de masura ultrasofisticate, oamenii din vechime stiau foarte multe lucruri decare noi abia astazi aflam. Reteaua Hartmann este peste tot si nu o putem evita.Aceasta retea seamana cu un soi de ziduri de plasa foarte inalte care se ridica din sol.Aceasta 'plasa' vibratorie radioactiva se intinde pe directia nord-sud din doi in doi metri, iar pe directiaest-vest din 2,5 in 2,5 metri. Grosimea acestor ziduri verticale - sa le numim 'linii Hartmann“- variazaintre 16 si 20 cm.Reteaua se stringe si se alungeste pe masura ce ne apropiem de poli. Este ca si cum am lua globulpamintesc si am desena pe el meridianele si paralelele.Reteaua Hartmann este invizibila asa ca tot ce putem face este sa ne folosim imaginatia pentru a creeaimaginea ei.

    Un Caine a Salvat o Fetita de la Moarte Prietenii dintr-o viata ii numeri pe degetele de la o mana. Asa ca niciodata un prieten adevarat nu este in plus. Numai ca, putini sunt cei care se pot lauda cu prieteni adevarati. Familia Stoenescu este printre cei norocosi si care se lauda mereu cu cel mai bun prieten al lor. Iar curiosii, cand vor sa-l cunoasca, raman putin blocati. Pentru ca Arthur, prietenul cel mai bun al familiei Stoenescu este un fox terrier.

    Doamna Andreea Stoenescu, gospodina familiei, specifica. 8 Famous Animals While we’re all familiar with the standard selection of movie stars, musicians, and athletes that populate the ranks of human celebrities, the world of famous animals is often more interesting. Like humans, animal celebrities rise to fame as a result of luck, talent, or some combination of both. More often than not, though, what sets famous animals apart, is that they usually arrive at success in stranger ways. From actors and artists to animal intellectuals, click through to check out some of the most intriguing animal celebrities around. Natural Mosquito Repellents Before you grab that DEET-based mosquito repellent, consider using a natural option instead.

    DEET, also known as diethyl-meta-toluamide, by any other name still stinks. And research proves that the main ingredient in commercial mosquito repellents leaves more than a bad odor. According to a Duke University study, it damages brain cells, can cause behavioural changes, and can have harmful interactions with some medications. The scientists also observed that it caused brain cell death in animals frequently exposed to or after prolonged use of DEET. 4 Home Remedies For Restless Legs When I was pregnant with my first child I had my first bout of restless legs. I felt like a marionette puppet whose strings were being pulled and had no choice but to move.

    This condition was devilishly frustrating as it only bothered me when I lay down to sleep for the night, and as anyone with restless legs knows, this made it nearly impossible to go to sleep. I would lie awake with my bulging belly for hours upon hours desperately trying to drift of to dreamland only to to have one my my “strings” yanked every 10 seconds. This happened night after night, with precious few nights of reprieve in between.

    I referred to this condition as “jumpy legs” and had no idea that others suffered a similar form of self-torture at bedtime. Cele 7 Ceaiuri Minune Cui nu ii place sa „infulece bine, macar din cand in cand, in preajma prietenilor si familiei si sa aibe masa plina de bunatati care mai de care mai apetisante?! De la sarmale si friptura la prajituri de casa, cornulete, cozonaci etc. Doar ca, problema dupa ce mancati mult, e ca totul se cam depune si va puteti treci ca acul cantarului depaseste cifra pe care v-o doriti. Totusi exista cateva trucuri care sa va ajute sa scapati de caloriile depozitate. Sunt la indemana oricui.

    Doar ca trebuie preparate. Chocolate Energy Bars These bars are wonderful. As someone who tries very hard to stay away from processed/packaged foods, but yet is always on the go, these are a great alternative to some vending machine snack or worse, fast food. They also are much cheaper than buying high end, expensive and organic protein bars, which was a habit I needed to break for the sake of my wallet!

    If you make a batch of these or something like it over the weekend, then you have them for the whole week and it took you less than a half an hour. You will find that many recipes like this call for dates, both because the sugar they provide is a good source of energy for the body and because they are good at binding the other ingredients. Go ahead and give these a try as an afternoon snack if you wish to really fuel your body, not to eat processed carbohydrates and crash soon after! Franco Zeffirelli's Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet is a 1968 British-Italian romance film based on the tragic play of the same name by William Shakespeare. The film was directed and co-written by Franco Zeffirelli, and starred Leonard Whiting and Olivia Hussey.

    It won Academy Awards for Best Cinematography and Best Costume Design; it was also nominated for Best Director and Best Picture. Laurence Olivier spoke the film's prologue and epilogue and reportedly dubbed the voice of the Italian actor playing Lord Montague, but was not credited in the film. My Fair Lady The script, by Alan Jay Lerner, retains Shaw's acerbic wit and delicious irony and succeeds for that reason. Both the dialogue and the song lyrics are crafted extremely well. The music itself has a few high points but there are plenty of low ones as well.

    The acting is impeccable: Rex Harrison's role as a happy-but-cynical misanthrope (his excuse for treating Eliza badly is that he doesn't treat anyone any better) is played out extremely well. Audrey Hepburn's transformation from a common girl to a cultured lady is extremely convincing, particularly in terms of her accent (although her songs were dubbed by Marni Nixon). The supporting cast is excellent: Eliza's father Alfred P. Doolittle is played in a irreverent and charismatic manner by Stanley Holloway who gets some of the coolest lines in the film and was my favourite character; Jeremy Brett shows a bit of the talent that would later come in handy when he played Sherlock Holmes; and Gladys Cooper as Henry Higgins' mother also gets to deliver a few barbed lines of her own ('Henry, what a disagreeable surprise').

    Zorba The Greek Based on Nikos Kazantzakis's popular novel, 'Zorba the Greek,' Michael Cacoyannis's most artistically and commercially successful picture contrasts two life styles–the repressed Brit versus the lusty Greek–in a rather schematic but enjoyable way. Alan Bates plays Basil, a repressed Brit (what else?), who arrives in the Greek island of Crete to concentrate on his new novel and find himself. Basil goes to work (in white clothes) at lignite mine, which he had inherited from his native Greek-UK raised father. Basil meets and befriends Alexis Zorba (Anthony Quinn), a lusty peasant who also wants to work at the mine. Opposite initially repel and then attract. The flamboyant, fun-loving Zorba is soon determined to bring some real joy and earthy delights into the timid Brit's life.

    He tells Basil: 'Boss, why did God give us hands? Crystal Healing Therapy When you think of crystals more than likely healing is not something you normally think of right off the bat. Most everyone knows there are many popular uses for crystal, especially the famous crystal ball, such as in house wares, jewelry, and technology. Crystals, along with gemstones, is also used for healing and other therapeutic means.

    This is not a recent phenomenon, but an ancient practice going all the way back to the Egyptians. Some even believe crystals were used in other ancient civilizations such as Atlantis. Now in the new millennium there is a renaissance in learning more about crystals and using these precious resources from the earth for healing. Shiatsu Shiatsu is a traditional hands-on Japanese healing therapy that has been formulated over the last 100 years from the traditional Japanese amma massage which is a feel good, therapeutic massage.

    Shiatsu literally means fingerpressure and as such describes part of the therapy whereby natural body weight (finger, thumbs, elbows, forearms, feet and knees) is used in applying pressure to special points on the body. This is combined with stretches, joint rotations and joint manipulation to give an all-over treatment, which aims at treating the patient on a holistic level. Home Remedies for Tired Eyes Long days in front of the computer, late nights out with friends and children disrupting sleep can all mean only one thing – tired-looking and puffy eyes.

    Dark circles and creases under and around our eyes can make us look older, less healthy and exhausted. The obvious solution to this issue is to get more sleep, but if our lifestyle doesn’t lend itself to endless early nights (whose does?) then here are a few simple ways you can soothe your tired eyes and bring back your sparkle.

    Be sure to use organic products. Orange Juice New Study Identifies Health Benefits in Orange Juice Drinking orange juice every day may have important heart health benefits. A recent study published online in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that consuming about two cups of 100 percent orange juice every day for one month significantly lowered diastolic blood pressure among men who were slightly overweight, but otherwise healthy.(1) Improvements also were seen in other indicators of cardiovascular health, notably better functioning of the inner lining of blood vessels. December 1 - Romania National Holiday The national day of Romania also called the Union Day or the Unification Day was set after the 1989 Romanian Revolution, when the communist regime came to an end. On this day all Romanians all over the world celebrate the unification of Transylvania (the central region of Romania, where Dracula’s castle is)—which had been under Austro-Hungarian Empire—with Romania. The union of Transylvania with Romania in 1918 was the last event which marked the unification of the country. A few days before that date, three other Romanian regions became part of Romania, after being under different occupations: Banat (Austro-Hungarian occupation), Bessarabia (Russian occupation), and Bukovina (Austro-Hungarian occupation).


    The Tradition of Three Kings Day January 6th is Three Kings Day. It is a date celebrated throughout Latin America, Spain, and in Hispanic communities of the United States. This is the Epiphany of the church calendar, the 12th day after Christmas, when the Magi arrived bearing gifts for baby Jesus.

    Traditionally, children receive gifts on this day, brought by the three kings, Melchor, Gaspar and Baltazar. In Latin America, January 6th, and not necessarily Christmas, is the day that children receive their gifts. Simona Halep Simona Halep ( born 27 September 1991) is a Romanian professional tennis player and the current Romanian No. She is currently ranked a career high number 7 in the world. Halep first broke into the world's top 50 at the end of 2012, and won her first 6 WTA titles in the same calendar year in 2013 (a feat that was last achieved by Steffi Graf in 1986 when she won her first 7), being named the WTA's Most Improved Player at its end, as well as being named ESPN Center Court's 2013 Most Improved Player.

    Health Benefits of Brier Hip Originally used as ornamental flower nearly 3,000 years ago, at present the shrub is cultivated or collected from wild for its well known medicinal properties. The nourishing brier tea, also known as rose tea, not only provides essential nutrients to the body, but also increases its immunity, thus protecting it against diseases. Regular consumption of Brier hip is known to increase peripheral blood circulation.

    The astringent, carminative, stringent, laxative and diuretic properties of the herb make it an excellent remedy for bladder inflammation, stomach disorders and diseases related to kidneys. The herb is a rich source of vitamin C, as well as vitamins A, B1, B2, P, K, E, flavanoids, tannins, organic acids, pectin Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron and Zinc. The medicinal properties of the herb Hip Brier has seen it being extensively used to treat diseases like: Cold Gingivitis Toothache. Music Therapy Music therapy is a type of expressive psychotherapy and it requires the use of music for therapeutic purposes.

    Music therapy addresses to a variety of needs such as physical, psychological, emotional, cognitive and social aspects of people of all ages, regardless of musical training they have. The therapist addresses the patient’s problem directly, through music, or through the relationship developed between the patient and therapist.

    For relaxation. Claude Debussy – Sonata for piano and harp.

    Nicolo Paganini – Concerto no. 4 in D minor. Pyotr IlyichTchaikovsky – Overture of “Sleeping Beauty” For peace of mind.

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